
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Things that change when you have a baby

Just came across this website: It was recommended by a high school friend (Hi Donna!) who is also currently preggy. They have this Thirty things that change when you have a baby but i chose only that stuck me hard...

  • You respect your body ... finally
    - I used to take appointments more than I can accommodate especially when I'm a lot younger.. also I've realized that I have poor eating habits...
  • You respect your parents and love them in a new way.
    - Truly and i think it would be more I give birth
  • You believe once again in the things you believed in as a child.
    - Will start dreaming again.. this time with my baby
  • You lose touch with the people in your life whom you should have banished years ago.
    - Haha! Rude, but oh so TRUE!
  • Your heart breaks much more easily.
    - I cry more now.. maybe because pregnant women are emotional.. I'm easily moved by family & children issues
  • You think of someone else 234,836,178,976 times a day.
    - I think of my honey & baby..
  • Every day is a surprise.
    - B4 I hate surprises.. but the surprises my friends gave last Nov. 10 (my 28th bday!) made me realize I have changed! I now love surprises!!!!!!!!
  • Bodily functions are no longer repulsive. In fact, they please you. (Hooray for poop!)
    - As in...
  • You look at your baby in the mirror instead of yourself.
    - I never had a chance to look at my baby in d mirror now as she/he is still inside me... Am still on my way e! I now look in d mirror not to take a glance of myself but to check how my tummy appears thinking my baby is inside smiling too...
  • You become a morning person.
    - I used to be a a minimum 10hrs sleeper... But now, no matter how late I sleep at night I still wake up 6am the latest even on weekends when I used to splurge in deep sleep..
  • Your love becomes limitless, a superhuman power.
    - Yeah!, strong power!
  • "You finally realize that true joy doesn't come from material wealth." — Anonymous
    - I don't shop now the way I do when I was single but I'm sooooooooo happy!
  • "You'd rather buy a plastic tricycle than those shoes that you've been dying to have." — Sophie's mom
    - Or buy gamit pambahay and baby stuff rather than those shoes...
  • "You don't mind going to bed at 9 p.m. on Friday night." — Kellye
    - I sleep even earlier... like 8pm
  • "You realize that the 15 pounds you can't seem to get rid of are totally worth having." — Brenda
    - Hmmmm, justified....
  • "You discover an inner strength you never thought you had." — Ronin and Brookie's mom
    - Like the strength to budget the money I have now which I thought b4 will not be sufficient as it was when I was single..hehe
  • "You learn that taking a shower is a luxury." — Jayden's mom
    - I though of this as luxury ever since, just thought of it as luxury more now.
  • "You realize that you can love a complete stranger." — Dezarae's mom
    - Love, love, love!!!!!!!!! I live wonderfully with it.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

BORED to death

It's my first week in my new work post... I don't have a designated workstation yet and the whole Bayer office turned bodega as everybody is packing up for the physical transfer of Pharma division to PBCom by next week.. Even if I'll be able to distinguish a work load now that I should act on, I'm left to option of writing them down in my data bank and consider working on it by the time we settle to our new office in Makati..

So, currently, I don't have choice but do anything to entertain my self and at least keep my mind functioning than to sit and watch people, boxes and office machines around.. I texted everyone I know who replies immediately.. Told stories thru text.. read and wrote everything that I found out to be my things to do for next week (now already have 4 items).. and fortunately had the chance of landing on this cyber spot that I could use as psyche therapy..

Otherwise, I'll be sleeping in the next few minutes or sanity days will be near over... i think I'm gonna die because of boredom.. aaarrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!